
Base Package
- Up to 20 Interior pictures (No HDR)
- Up to 20 Exterior / Aerial pictures
- Sky Replacements (+$2.00 per picture)
- Within 60km (round trip) from Office (65¢ per additional km)
- Up to 2500 sq/ft incl. basement (+$0.10 / sq. ft. over 2500 sq/ft)
Bronze Package
- Up to 20 Interior pictures
- Up to 20 Exterior/aerial pictures
- Sky replacements as needed
- Listing Web page
- Up to 3000 sq/ft incl. basement (+$0.10 / sq. ft. over 3000 sq/ft)
Silver Package
- Interior, exterior and Aerial photography as needed
- Sky replacements as needed
- High Quality Floor plan with dimentions and total area sq/ft
- MARKETING TOOL KIT Included! ($35 Value!)
- Listing Web page
- Feature sheet/flyer. Hi Definition PDF, ready to print.
- Up to 3000 sq/ft incl. basement (+$0.10 / sq. ft. over 3000 sq/ft)
Gold Package
- 360 interactive tour with floor plan
- Interior, exterior and Aerial photography as needed
- Sky replacements as needed
- MARKETING TOOL KIT Included! ($35 Value!)
- Listing Web page
- High quality color floor plan with dimentions and total area sq/ft
- Feature sheet/flyer Hi Definition PDF, ready to print.
- Up to 3000 sq/ft incl. basement (+$0.10 / sq. ft. over 3,000 sq. ft)
- Analytics - Weekly Traffic Report
- Property Sites
- Reels Videos
- Teaser Videos
- Property Flyers
- Social Media Graphics
A la carte
- Twilight Conversion: 35.00
- High quality color floor plan with dimentions and total area sq/ft: $125.00
- 360 interactive tour with deluxe floor plan: $250.00 up to 2500 sq/ft
- Exterior Only Shoot: Up to 20 exterior/aerial photos $175.00
- Interior only HDR shoot: Up to 20 pictures. $175.00
- Virtual Staging $45/image
- Large acreage aerial video production package starting at $500.00
Photo Editing Service - For Realtors Who Take Their Own pictures
- Exposure correction
- Straightening and level correction
- Colour correction / Saturation adjustment
- Sharpening / clarity
- Glare and reflection reduction
- Blue sky replacement (+$1.00 per picture)
- Removal of unwanted soft items
-No additional charge for properties located within 150 km (round trip) of our Havelock office location. Additional KMs in excess of 75 km one way billed at $.65/km. Trips requiring more than 2 hours total drive time will also include a per hour charge for each hour exceeding 2 hours billed at $65/hr minimum charge 0.5 hours.
-Drone/UAV photography is subject to area/flight restrictions and regulations and may not be available in all areas.
-All prices plus HST and subject to change without notice.
Realtor/Client/Owner Responsibilities:
It is the responsibility of the photographer to capture high quality visuals of the property at the scheduled time.
It is the responsibility of the realtor/client/owner to have the subject property completely prepared by the beginning of the scheduled appointment time. This includes but is not limited to the following:
- Safe access to all rooms and spaces within the entire property ( hallways, garages, storage rooms, utility rooms etc.) Your home/listing is our work environment and we require safe access to complete our work in a safe and efficient manner. The appointment will be cancelled with full cancellation fees applicable if the work environment is not deemed safe by the on-site photographer.
- Cleaning/Staging: The photographer is not able to provide staging or cleaning services. If the property is not ready at the time of the appointment, the shoot may have to be partially or fully rescheduled and will be subject to the applicable cancellation or rescheduling fees.
- All items that you do not wish to be photographed should be removed or safely stored away. Please do not plan to move items from room to room during the appointment. This will consume extra time, reduce quality and add additional costs to the shoot.
- All available light fixtures and lamps should be turned on and fans should be turned off.
- All vehicles should be removed from driveway/parking area, unless otherwise desired.
Additional fees for occupied properties:
An additional $50 fee applies if home owners are present during the photography shoot.
An additional $100 fee applies if tenants are present during the photography shoot.
These additional fees apply because people being present during our appointments significantly slowed down our work.
Home sellers are motivated to help us in doing a great job at portraying their beloved home. It is therefore typically easy for realtors to have their clients prepare and vacate the home for our appointment.
Tenants are not necessarily motivated to ensure their rental dwellings are presented as well as owner-occupied homes and may not be ready and willing to make way for our work. Therefore, when the tenants are absent for the duration of our appointment we are able to complete our job as efficiently and quickly as possible.
Appointments cancelled further than 24 hours before the appointment time will suffer no cancellation fee.
Appointments cancelled within 12-24 hour prior to the scheduled shoot time will be subject to 50% of the fee.
Appointments cancelled upon arrival will be subject to a 100% of the fee.
Copyright of the works supplied to you is the property of Reel Estate Productions. Your license to the materials includes usage in any way related to your marketing of the subject property, and the ongoing marketing of your business. Your license does not include the rights to transfer the materials to others. This includes, but is not limited to: 1) transfer to another individual realtor for their marketing of the property 2) transfer to a buyer for their marketing of the property 3) any other usage that may have a commercial connection.
Call for questions or bookings! 705-768-9227